Join us for our Challenge for Change monthly event series powered by Paycor.
This series aims to help attendees build financial IQ while hosting a space where people can create new alliances with people, outside of their company, through meaningful conversations. All events are open to men and women, they are not skewed to women in particular.
Our June event will discuss The Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset with Whitney Ellison of Wellison Enterprises. In the Law of Attraction, an abundance mindset is a mentality that focuses on positive possibilities and thinking big and about knowing that there is plenty of everything in this world. A mindset of abundance understands and embraces change, sees change as a good thing and proactively strategizes to create the future one desires. A scarcity mindset is the idea that if someone else wins or is successful in a situation, that means you lose. With a scarcity mindset, you don’t consider the possibility of all parties winning in a given situation.
Whitney Ellison is a certified Coach in Quantum Energy, specifically the 7 Universal Laws, though Christy Whitman's Quantum Success Coaching Academy. She is also actively completing coursework to get her Practitioner certification through Helen Palmer's Narrative Enneagram Program.
RSVP for FREE now for upcoming events.
Seats generously paid for by Paycor.
July: Financial Planning 101
What to focus on first and how to build a plan with higher impact and more profitable results.
August: Building a Budget
The right budget can make or break your financial goals. We’ll use a shareable template and talk through the logic of what a good budget accounts for, where the flexibility is built into it, and approaches for budgeting effectively when you share finances with a partner.
Note: By RSVPing for this event you will be added to the full Challenge for Change event series. Simply decline the events you do not wish to attend.