Rich “Chi” Christopher, RD, CDCES, CPT, RYT

Despite being deemed perfectly “h_ _lthy and fit” by all tests and specialists in the “peak” of his fighting career, Rich “Chi” Christopher almost died at age 19 due to severe exhaustion. This forced him to question everything he had been taught about h_ _lth and fitness in the West. As a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Yoga Teacher, Performer & Musician, Wrestler, Boxer and MMA Trainee, he had to quit it all and search tirelessly for answers. He found that the most important component to “Haelth,” Fitness & Longevity was being ignored in the West. After working with masters who can literally shoot electricity out of their hands like some kind of superhero, he is now ready to help others embrace the electric model of the body and help you recharge like never before. If you are ready to learn the truth about what “Haelth” really is, how to have more energy, feel younger and live as long as you can in as good of a shape as you can, Don’t just sit there, become part of the New Haelth Conscious! And no it's not a type-o. Haelth means whole!

Want to wow your audience? Let Rich “Chi“ tell his remarkable story of how he came from near death to bursting with energy while proving the body is truly full of energy or “electrici-chi.”


  • Your Body is a Battery Learn How to Charge It

  • Healthy Routines

  • The Dangers of Overtraining

  • Train your Mind

  • And more!

Book him as your next speaker here.