Dr. David Nico "Dr. Healthnut™" & Amia Nico "Mrs. Healthnut™"


  • Whole Leader Health

  • Navigating the Maze of Crisis

  • Food Immunity

  • Healthy Meeting Reboot

  • Creating a Culture of Brand Delight

  • Inspirational Music with Amia (optional add on to an existing program offering)

Ignite Human Wholeness With Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut

Dr. David Nico "Dr. Healthnut™" is a renowned well-being strategist, keynote speaker, and highly regarded author committed to empowering individuals and organizations to achieve remarkable results. With nearly three decades of diverse expertise in the health industry, Dr. Nico is recognized as one of "America's Ultimate Experts" by Woman's World magazine. His expertise encompasses a wide range of areas, such as leadership, business, entrepreneurship, and growth. He is the driving force behind the mission of inspiring humanity to make healthier choices through his enterprises.

Amia Nico "Mrs. Healthnut™" is a healthy lifestyle catalyst, speaker, lyricist, and accomplished soloist. As a Well-Being Advocate, Amia's passion is to see women be all that God created them to be in spirit, soul, and body. In addition to her vocal training, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in interdisciplinary studies in Education and Behavioral Sciences, specializing in Coaching and Motivational Interviewing.