Sober Holiday “Thrival” Guide
HERE WE GO… it’s that time of year again filled with family, friends, holiday parties, gatherings, events, present buying, busy/stress, worry, guilt, not enough time to do it all…and if you are doing it sober for the first time, it is another first that can make you anxious and worried.
This guide focuses on not what we’re sacrificing during the holiday season, but rather, on how to have amazing, beautiful celebrations where you can THRIVE and that are in alignment with your soul!
1. ASK – Focus on your Energy. “What do I want?” “What do I need?” Make a list of your values and what’s important to you this holiday season? Think about how you want to feel before, during and after this season?
2. PLAN– It’s always good to go into the event/party/evening with a plan. My plan always starts with what can I take to drink? I don’t want to be stuck at a party drinking diet coke, water or plain fizzy water. There are SO many delicious “fizzy” drinks out there! DRY Soda is my ultimate favorite and if you need some good ideas for some mocktails check out their IG page or just #mocktails on IG and you will find an insane amount! I always offer to bring something, usually a veggie tray b/c then I always know there will be something healthy to snack on. I offer to help in the kitchen as well, some of my most wonderful conversations happen in the kitchen. It helps if I stay busy while I am at the party, it’s the Projector in me 😊My plan also includes me driving, this way you are in control of when you arrive and when you leave!
3. SUPPORT – There have been a few times I have had to lock myself in the bathroom and check in with my support system. Who is there to support you? Do you have a good support system in place? Someone to call or text to lean on? Having a support system is wonderful and sometimes you just need to hear that “you don’t have to…” or “you can do this!”
4. The Power of Gratitude – this is perhaps the most important key to finding success and happiness this holiday season. Knowing what we appreciate in life means knowing who we are, what matters to us and what makes each day worthwhile. Paying attention to what we feel grateful for puts us in a positive frame of mind. It connects us to the world around us and to ourselves. It is a universal way to make us feel rewarded and fulfilled. What better way to combat the stress and sometimes negative feeling we feel over the holidays?!
5. Take a Time Out – something for YOU! Take a walk, have a cup of tea, proper nutrition, stake a nap, go to a yoga class, read a book, take a bath, do something creative. BREATHE! Holidays can find us overextending, over-promising, and ignoring your own wants and needs. Afterall, everyone benefits when YOU are taken care of! The better you feel physically and mentally the better you will feel emotionally.
6. Have a Script ready if people ask – It’s nobody’s business but your own!Just be prepared with what to say!
With the proper preparation the holidays can be a blast and serve as a year-round reminder that you don’t need to have alcohol for a wonderful holiday experience!
Nori Muro
Founder of Cincinnati’s first sober meet up group – Roasted Not Toasted
Creator of Conscious Connections and Experiences.
Unleashing Human Connections & Igniting the Sober Savvy in Cincinnati
IG: @mommamuro
Facebook at Roasted Not Toasted