Motherhood is a transformational personal journey that is full of surprise, taboos and lessons learned.
the motherhood
journey recap
Join us for "The Motherhood Journey" presented by The Christ Hospital. This panel chat and breakout sessions will openly discuss the joys, challenges, myths and realities that women face on their "motherhood journey."
If you are exploring, approaching or in the thick of the 12 months surrounding pre-and-post baby, this event is for you. We’ll have REAL conversations on preparing your body and mind for a child, fertility, what to expect while pregnant, mothering multiples, post-baby realities and acknowledgement of loss.
After quite a year where moms have been asked to wear even more hats and navigate parenting, working and teaching Rachel DesRochers & WISe Founder Stevi Carr wanted to take a moment and celebrate. This Momination is our way of saying - we see you, thank you so much for working so hard this past year. Celebrate motherhood, our work, learning how to balance it all and show moms they are doing such a great job! Thank you for nominating a deserving mom!
Three winners will be selected to receive one of three baskets valued at over $1,000 each. Nominations close May 3, 2021 @ 11:59pm EST and will be announced on May 7th, 2021.