ezCare Concierge is a FREE service to help you save time and take the hassle out of healthcare.
Nurse Navigator Janet Ferguson can
Review your healthcare questions
Connect you with appointments
Connect you to precision medicine/genetic testing
Find specialists near you
Verify insurance coverage
Access preventative care and screenings
Call 513-261-8007 or email ezCare@thechristhospital.com to chat!
Maggie Wilhelm, LPCC- WISe Mental Health Coach in Residence and Meagan Connley - WISe Member present Stress Support: Why You Can't Outrun Stress & How to Manage It.
Being under constant stress seems normalized in our society, but that doesn't mean our bodies are equipped to handle it. In this session, we will share information about what stress is, how it impacts your body short term and long term, and practical tips for stress management. Your body does not make mistakes. It responds the only way it knows how. It responds to the environment it's in. It is trying to tell you something.